Have you heard the one about the farmer, the artist & the cranberry farm?
Once upon a time, there was a farmer called Kevin who had a small deer farm in the centre of the Central North Island. Every autumn he went south and west to catch up with old friends and spend time in the mountains of South Westland.
One winter Kevin decided to go traveling. He went to visit old friends in Africa and Europe and found himself helping to build a house at the bottom of a hill in the West of Ireland. That’s where he met Kate. Kate is an artist and lived in a little house on the top of the same hill. After a while, Kevin thought Kate should meet his daughter Aimee. Aimee also liked Kate and they invited her to New Zealand.
When Aimee was all grown up they decided to move to Westland and they settled near Hokitika.
Tony & Marj Allan had developed a small cranberry farm nearby and Kevin and Tony soon began talking about the fascinating business of farming cranberries.
Tony & Marj decided to sell the cranberry farm & business.
Kevin now grows the cranberries, runs the farm and does contract work. Kate makes art, works with groups and is often found in the office and the cranberry kitchen.
Together they make Cranberries Westland happen.
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